Saturday, April 18, 2015

Useless websites!

I found a website that takes you to a random website so I will share one link that is the whole website. The other will be my favorite one  found off that site.

My Favorite:

The main website:

Monday, April 13, 2015

Book Review! Need, Captivate, Entice, Endure

These four books are a book series I have read.  These books are so good I almost couldn't put them down. I would read them during my math class because they were so good. There about a girl who gets sent to her grandma's to live because she was depressed about her step father's death. Weird things happen in the little town in Maine. i won't go on just in case you want to read it and I would spoil it. Hope you try it out!
* The book pictures are in the order of the series! :3

Sunday, April 12, 2015


I want to connect with the readers of my blog so this post is going to be a place were you can just comment any thing! Just be nice! ;p

Colored hair

Unlike  lots of people I have pink hair. The picture I am using isn't me but its just an example. Lots of people don't have colored hair because they are afraid to stand out or their parents are against the idea. I am lucky because I can be aloud to have all my hair dyed pink. But in my own decision I only have half my hair dyed pink. I feel the world needs more color and people should feel free to have colored hair anywhere. My school doesn't want kids to colored hair but I really don't care. Lol

Futurama~ My favorite TV show

Futurama is a show that's kinda old not really but I can watch this show over and over again without getting sick of it. I really enjoy this show because its very entertaining and I love the way they decision the characters. I hope you try this show out because its really good!  :3

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Pusheen picture video!

Here is my newest video! If you like it and want me to make more videos like this lets me know in the comments!

Child Abuse

I did a paper on child abuse for school and I decided to share this with you guys because I feel that child abuse is an issue that's not getting solved. I wanted to get my voice heard about child abuse so I wrote a paper on it.

Child Abuse  

Child Abuse affects  lots of children in America and around the world. There are different kinds of child abuse although they are equally damaging.  Physical abuse, Emotional abuse, in addition Neglect, are some different kinds of abuse.  Children who are abused can often be rude or unkind to other peers.  Child abuse is very damaging to young brains and can cause health problems as well. Children who are abused do not do well in school.

Child abuse is very damaging to young brains in addition can cause health problems. Philadelphia Inquirer says “It increases the chances of bad behavior and may lead to heart disease and other health problems down the road.” Harsh parenting is very damaging to a child’s brain. “Think of harsh parenting as being as destructive as lead poisoning” (Philadelphia Inquirer). The abuse can change the child’s brain as well. Philadelphia Inquirer states, “ It changes the structure of their brains and the way their brains work.” Child abuse makes the child’s brain change in other words, that affects the way the child works and learns.

There are lots of children who are abused that do poorly  in school projects, getting things done, also listening. They often have trouble completing school work. “ More intense childhood maltreatment was associated with greater probability of having a low GPA (P=0.001) and problems completing homework assignments(P=0.007).” (Eric P. Slade and Lawernce S. Wissow). They can also have trouble with peers in addition teachers. “Table 4 shows the estimated effects of the maltreatment index on the probability of having problems with teachers and peers” (Eric P. Slade and Lawernce S. Wissow). “Could lead to impaired academic performance in middle and high school.” (Lucy Ward).

There are more than 1 kind of child abuse. There is also emotional abuse were children don’t get the love and care they need, finally, neglect is when children get ignored and don’t have a good connection with family, and physical abuse is when the child is hurt physically like they get belted in the back or any sort of  abuse on purpose by their caregiver . “Neglected children are not getting their physical and emotional needs met,”(Lucy Ward) But they all do the same amount of damage to children. “Physical abuse is just one type of child abuse.  Neglect and emotional abuse can be just as damaging,” Says Lucy Ward, author of the article, Abuse Affects School Work. “Emotional; abuse can be severely damage a child’s mental health,”(Lucy Ward).

In conclusion, people who are abused as children do not do that well in school and life. They can not complete homework without a struggle and also  do not get along with teachers and fellow peers. Child abuse is something that can not be tolerated because children don’t deserve to live a life of pain and being scared. Child abuse damages the brain which will make it hard for children to learn. The different kinds of child abuse is just as damaging as any other kind. Children still have problems in school even though its different abuse. Child abuse needs to stop because its hurting children and their education.

More Cats!


My YouTube Channel!

I have my own YouTube Channel that I will be showing you. I will leave a link to my channel if you want to check it out and watch some of my videos. I haven't made many videos recently because I have run out of Ideas. So I need as many challenges as I can get! Leave a comment down below in the comments and challenges you have! Thanks!

My YouTube Channel

About Just Me!

I will be posting things about me on this blog! I will put no personal information on here. I will also be advertising my YouTube channel on this blog. Please leave suggestions about videos and challenges I can do for my channel! Thank You!!
                                                              ~Olivia Star